Welcome to the Secret Place
Meet Sarah
Spark is owned and led by Sarah Malone. She is most widely known for her appearance as the holistic therapist on a national reality television series. Sarah has been in the healing and wellness space for many years, guiding hundreds on a path of healing and spiritual awakening. Her career began as a renowned fitness, nutrition and lifestyle coach. She expanded her practice as a spiritual teacher and healer, holding workshops, events, meditations and sound baths. She is a trauma and IFS informed Clinical Hypnotherapist where she helps individuals and couples navigate the complex waters of trauma, emotions, and how it affects their relationship to themselves and others. Sarah has been recognized by Yahoo! Finance, POWER magazine, and several small magazine in her field as a holistic coach and therapist. If you'd like to read Sarah's story, check it out below, written by Sarah herself.

The Spark Mission
Our mission is to illuminate the path to divine connection by helping individuals awaken to their true spiritual essence inside and heal the wounds that prevent true spiritual freedom. Our aim is to awaken hearts to the Secret Place inside where true presence and purpose on Earth lay. Through a deeper understanding of what religion has left out, and what other spiritual movements threaten to do, our goal is to lead people back to the true nature of what it means to be spiritual, and human. Through bridging the physical and spiritual realms, Spark helps people rise in consciousness, live in unity with God, and create harmony within themselves and the world, bringing heaven closer to earth.
The Spark Vision
Our vision for Spark is to build a sacred, self-sustaining community known as 'The Secret Place,' where people can experience deep healing, and be guided into their spiritual gifts and purpose. This community will be a self-sustaining haven where individuals live, work, and find purpose while being nurtured spiritually, emotionally, mentally, and physically. It will be a refuge for those seeking truth and peace, offering a secure space for the future of humanity to grow, connect, and thrive in unity with God. It will serve as a safe haven, offering protection and guidance both physically and spiritually, and fostering a space where people can thrive in alignment with their highest calling. This vision needs your help. If you are, or know someone who is heart centered and wants to contribute to this movement, please have them contact [email protected].

Sarah's Story
First, I'm honored to welcome you to Spark and I'm honored you've taken an interest in knowing my story. As Spark is a holistic healing collective focused on people, I feel it's important you know the person behind the vision. I have always been transparent and open about my own healing journey because it's the reason Spark exists.
Spark was created from a spark in my life, or rather, several sparks. My journey has been one of healing and growth in the same way it exists to help liberate others now. I come from a broken and blended family that was very chaotic in my younger years. I had no conscious memories of my own father that I can remember until I was about 8 or 9. He left when I was very young and for all we knew, was not coming back. I struggled with a severe eating disorder from the age of 8 up until my younger adult years. During this time, I also began cutting, drinking, purging, and lashing out in various other ways. Making sense of the brokenness around me was hard for an empathetic and emotional young girl. I became the peace maker and mediator in my family, helping to dissolve and resolve conflict. However my acting out outside the home only worsened. I was hospitalized for severe anorexia and cutting and forced into counseling for my problems.
When I was old enough to make my own decisions, I found myself in mentally, physically, and sexually abusive relationships where I was raped, and later stuck in a narcissistic marriage. This eventually led to a divorce after 5 years that almost cost me my livelihood and sanity.
Throughout all of these years, healing always was and remains a passion of mine. I have always ached for hurting people, and held a passion for freedom. I had an obsession with the inner workings of the mind, emotions and human will. I was my own first client as I curiously grasped my way through life trying to make sense of all the pain, and what Truth would set me free. From as far back as I can recall, I had always had a knowing that I was meant to experience all of this, that I was called for something greater, and I was different. I was not normal, I did not fit in. I felt this at a deep level of my soul.
I still feel this way. The difference is that it excites me rather than discourages me. My mission has always been to help people free themselves because of how I've found freedom. I understand that, through the limits and confines of traditional therapy, some religious trauma, and worldly misconceptions, everyone needs a unique and personal approach to healing. There are some universal concepts that, across the board work. Awakening is hard, and for reasons that only God knows, it feels like I was made to do this and help others do it too.
Maybe it was because of my experiences growing up, but I see things about and in people that sometimes they don't even see themselves. This is the first step in healing, in any way. To SEE. This is the only way to unlock your own prison door and gain freedom. Emotionally, spiritually, physically, relationally. Freedom to Ignite Your Spark Within. The Spark of brilliant individuality that God created you to be.
And that is what Spark is about. Not to become what I tell you, or your parents have told you, or your traumatic relationship has told you that you are. To become everything you were made to be, and have the courage and confidence to walk in that identity boldly and clearly. That's my mission, and I want to help you live a life that is on fire in your own calling.
I hope to see you, at a retreat, at an event / workshop, as a client working closely 1-on-1, or anywhere within Spark.
I would love to welcome you inside the Secret Place - and help you find that secret place within yourself.
With Love,
Sarah Malone
P.S. If you're not sure this is something for you, but you feel called to help the mission of Spark, please consider donating to the healing and growth of others on their path.

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