
Explore all Courses. Grow in Mind-Body-Spirit

Choose the course below that best suits your needs right now. Mind, Body, spirit, or ALL 3 and go at your own pace

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Spiritual Warrior

Become a spiritual warrior and discover your true essence and who you were created to be. Learn how to navigate the complex world of spirit and energy in order to stay in alignment with yourself. Become empowered in yourself by building internal Love, security and peace.

This is the phase of your journey where you will be challenged the most. Learn to BE more than you DO. Get out of your head and into your heart. In this course you will:

  • Release Trapped Energy You’ve Been Holding Onto For Decades and Live With Lightness and Happiness

  • Rework The Stories and Beliefs About Yourself That You Believe To Be True …and write new, empowering, accurate stories about who you truly are and what you truly deserve.

  • Understand Your Ego and All The Beautiful Parts of You that Make You, You …and form a deep connection and loving relationship with them to create a deep, loving relationship with yourself

  • Integrate Your New Knowledge, Understanding, and Wisdom to the deepest depths of your being so they become a natural part of who you are.

  • Align Yourself With Love, Gratitude, Acceptance, and Trust in all areas of your life

Spiritual Warrior Course

Mental Titan

Master your mind and become a Mental Titan. Often times our biggest area of suffering happens in the mind. Most people don't end up living a life they want because they are either not clear, not focused, or getting in their own way. We all have fear, and these fears become limiting beliefs.

But not you. Not anymore. This is your time to discover your limiting beliefs, fears, sabotaging behaviors and CREATE the life you've always dreamed of! 

During this phase of your journey, you will construct your life and so much more including:

  • How To Understand What’s Really Driving You …and how to take back control of the wheel.

  • How To Stare Fear In The Face …and act in spite of it when it rears it’s head in your life

  • How To Break Your Unwanted Patterns Using Your Values and Basic Human Needs.

  • How To Be Your Authentic Self – Every Single Day …and continually come back to this sense of being when life begins to force you off the path.

  • How To Be Intentional, and Live In A State Of Gratitude, and Purpose to take MASSIVE ACTION and fast-track Your Dreams

Mental Titan Course

Physical Mastery

Take ownership and create the body AND healthy life of your dreams. So many times, you find yourself committed, then uncommitted. On again, off again. This happens because you're not seeing what's truly holding you back in achieving your health and fitness goals, or you're focusing on too much or the wrong things.

By seeing your true power for transformation and change through your body, your mind will follow suit. You'll also need a plan, and that's what this course will provide along with:

  • How To Understand Different Goals, Create Your Authentic Goals, and Discover the Vital and Often-Missed Step of “Closing The Gap”

  • How To Eat In A Way That’s Perfect For Your Body, Your Mentality, Your Lifestyle, and Your Goals

  • How To Create A Sustainable, Fun, and Hyper-Effective Movement Practice For Your Preferences and Desires

  • How To Identify Your Essential “Transformation Habits” …and identify key triggers and behaviors that make them easier to integrate

  • How To Sustainably Manage Stress In All Aspects Of Your Life

Physical Mastery Course

All Change Begins Within. It’s Time You Lived The Life You Deserve.


Start Growing Today!